Letters from the sea II spend most of my time remote. By the sea, in my mountain cabin, highly isolated by what we call today social media. Since I do not want to engage in these noise-making platforms, but I still want to be in touch with you, I will send monthly letters with ideas, concert dates and random thoughts I have about music. Nothing pretentious, just a form of public journaling to give you a sneak peak of my life. Email Address Subscribe By subscribing to the newsletter service, you expressly and unequivocally agree that your personal data requested in the subscription form will be stored and processed by Alex Negriuc. The personal data collected will only be used for the purpose of sending messages in electronic format (email). Personal data is stored indefinitely, being used throughout this period only for the purpose for which it was initially collected. If you want your personal data to be erased from our database, you can do that at any time by using the Unsubscribe Newsletter option. Thank you!